Hisar... The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN has decentralized the system of giving award under the Theft InformerIncentive Scheme. Now chief General Managers (Operations) at Delhi andHisar will monitor the scheme and give awards in their respectivezones. Operation Zone Delhi includes districts Faridabad, Gurgaon,Mewat, Rewari and Mahendragrh, while Hisar Zone has districts Bhiwani,Hisar, Fatehabad and Sirsa.
The information of theft of power can be given by any person atcentral Control
Room at Vidyut Sadan, Hisar on toll free telephonenumber 18001801011 or
01662—221527 or email athookacrook4dhbvn@gmail.com or hookacrook4dhbvn@yahoo.com .
Theinformer needs not to disclose his identity while giving informationor taking the amount of incentive. He is required get noted a code anda code number is provided by the DHBVN. On providing corredt codes,the informer would be given 40 per cent of the amount of penaltyrecovered on detection of the theft of power. Twenty per cent ofamount of recovered penalty will be distributed among the members ofrading team and the officer who recover the amount of penalty.The number of information received under the theft informer scheme hasincreased to 10,137 following which 1779 thefts, involving a penaltyof Rs. 3.99 crores, have already been detected by the DHBVN officials.Under this scheme, 40 per cent of the recovered amount of penalty isgiven as incentive to the informer. The theft being committed in thearea of the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam can also be informed onthe telephone number 01662 – 221527.The spokesman said that the DHBVN officials detected over 12,276 casesof theft during the current financial year, up to the month ofOctober, and imposed penalty amounting to about Rs. 27 crores on theerring consumers. Over 2627 of the theft cases were detected duringthe month of October, 2008.He said that the officials of DHBVN, including Operation andVigilance Wings, checked/raided 69 thousand meters in total to detectthe thefts. About 50 per cent of amount of penalty has already beenpaid by the consumers while, in about 4100 cases, the DHBVN officialshave reported the matter to the Police for lodging FIR.Meanwhile, DHBVN has offered an attractive scheme for settlement oftheft cases pending in various courts, through Mega Lok Adalat, bypaying 50 per cent of the penalty. Surcharge levied on the arrears insuch cases will be waived off.The Nigam has introduced this one time "Settlement Scheme" fordisputes pending in courts, in view of ensuing Mega Lok Adalatsscheduled to be held on December 20 & 21, 2008 at all the districthead quarters of Haryana. He said that the scheme would be available to all categories ofconsumers including the theft of electricity cases and would cover alldisputes with consumers pending in courts including DCDRF, StateCommission or in arbitration, etc. as on October 31, 2008. All such disputes where penalties have been levied can be settledthrough the said Mega Lok Adalats provided the consumers or theapplicants pay 50 per cent of the amount initially assessed, withoutany surcharge.